How do I choose a web design company?

by: B. Armstrong, Managing Director

So you have a business and you want to get an internet presence. You 've heard it can be easy to create a website, but you know that you don't want to look like everyone else's site. You want your own customized space on the internet highway. How do you choose?

Really its just like any other decision point in business: Make a list of pros and cons for each company or designer you encounter. What metrics will you apply this litmus test to? Here are a few basics:

How much will it cost?

How many sites does this company have?

Will the company get everything I need for an internet presence such as domain name and hosting space?

This list is not exhaustive by any means. However, its a good start to what you should evaluate in this decision. Of course, tally up your pros and cons. Choose the one that has the most cons! (I told you it was easy really LOL)

Good Luck with your choice!

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